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Tak Berani Injakkan Kaki ke Rumah Jessica Iskandar Gegara Dituding Parasit Calon Kakak Iparnya, Richard Kyle Diam-diam Rindukan El Barack: 'Jess Belum Siap...'

Jessica Iskandar unggah foto prewedding dengan Richard Kyle

"Semangat naik sepedanya daddy nya El. Kapan2 ajak kak jessica olahraga jg yaa," tulis @aulia.2389.

"Belum siap jess kayanya, udah ajak koq. Sehat terus," jawab Richard Kyle mengingat saat ini kondisi kesehatan calon istrinya masih kurang baik.

Richard Kyle juga mendapat banyak dukungan dari warganet yang tetap mendoakannya berjodoh dengan Jedar.

"Semoga daddy El dan mommy jessica tetap bersama, semoga badai ini cepat berlalu, insya Allah jodoh gak akan lari kemana.. semangat daddy nya El," tulis @megalief.

Baca Juga: Tak Sanggup Telan Pil Pahit Kehidupan, Jessica Iskandar Blak-blakan Akui Pernah Kepikiran Bunuh Diri: 'Aku Nangis Terus Tiap Hari...'

"Semangat Richo. I dont know you in person but i believe u're a good person. I pray the best for both of you. Actually, there will be some people who might to hurt you with their words. No need to be bothered by them and be kind always ya. God bless you!" tulis @irenerenn.

"Why you deleted #jessgotrich??? What happened??? Problem???? Making relationship will face up many long as both of you love, respect,honest, open, care each other and always bring God in your that you can solve your problems....and the Lord will guide you. amen. Hope three of you are OK (Jedar, El and Richo)," tulis @esti_dewayani555.

"Udah Deket sana El udah saling sayang , udah jadi Ayah dan anak yang baik, please pertahankan ya," tulis @biyoherrlambang.